Unique 2-dimensional artworks O-DADA I O-DADA II O-DADA III O-DADA IV O-DADA V O-DADA VI O-DADA VII Madmen Palimpsest I Madmen Palimpsest II Madmen Palimpsest V Madmen Palimpsest VI Madmen Palimpsest VII Madmen Palimpsest VIII Madmen Palimpsest IX Inter/Sections XXIV Inter/Sections XVII Inter/Sections XVIII Inter/Sections XXIII Inter/Sections XV Inter/Sections XX Inter/Sections XVIIII Inter/Sections III Inter/Sections II Inter/Sections I Inter/Sections VI Inter/Sections V Inter/Sections VIIII Inter/Sections XI Inter/Sections X Inter/Sections XII Inter/Sections XIII Inter/Sections VII Inter/Sections VIII Inter/Sections : Palimpsest IV Inter/Sections : Palimpsest I Inter/Sections : Palimpsest V Inter/Sections : Palimpsest II Inter/Sections : Palimpsest III Inter/Sections : Palimpsest III Geo-Forms I Geo-Forms II Geo-Forms III Geo-Forms IV Geo-Forms V Dual Integrity I Dual Integrity II Singular Integrity I Singular Integrity II Night and Day I Spin Me Dizzy Meditation IV Meditation I Meditation II Meditation III Meditation V Meditation VI Meditation VII Moon Rise Enigmatic Horizon I Enigmatic Horizons II Enigmatic Horizons III Enigmatic Horizons V Enigmatic Horizons VI Dance of Crystal & Jack II Dance of Crystal & Jack I Meditation for our Earth Line Dance I Meander V Land Shapes: Flyover Territory X Land Shapes: Flyover Territory IV Land Shapes: Flyover Territory II Land Shapes: Flyover Territory V Land Shapes: Flyover Territory I Land Shapes: Flyover Territory XI Land Shapes: Flyover Territory III Land Shapes: Flyover Territory VI Land Shapes: Flyover Territory VIII Land Shapes: Flyover Territory VII Cascade IV Cascade III Cascade II Meander I Meander II Meander III Meander IV Latitudes and Longitudes Unknown III Latitutudes and Longitudes Unknown V Latitudes and Longitudes I Latidudes and Longitudes Unknown IV Latitudes and Longitudes Unkown VI Latitudes and Longitudes Unknown VII Latitudes and Longitudes Unknown IX Latitudes and Longitudes Unknown VIII Topo Fantasies I Topo Fantasises II Topo Fantasies III Topo Fantasies IV Gyan Mudra I Platte River II Kansas X Colorado I Kansas I Montana VII West Texas II Zumbro Falls, MN III SE, Minnesota I SE, Minnesota North Dakota I Netherlands Canals X Germany Farmland I Germany Farmland III Wales III Wales II Wales IX Cornwall Cornwall II Pinhao, Portugal Pinhao, Portugal wine terraces III Pinhao, Portugal wine terraces Volga River Delta Iceland Greenland Fiord II Iceland Glacier I Latitudes and Longitudes Unknown II untitled Fractured Abstraction I Fractured Abstraction II Fractured Abstraction III Fractured Abstraction V Fractured Abstraction VII Star Gazer Structural Congruity I Structural Congruity II Structural Congruity III